Friday, April 10



Cassie just made my week. The girl next door has just gone bad. She said on via Twitter, "Sometimes in life, you need a change. Something deeper than what you thought you were capable of. Something that displays the “I don’t give a fuck” attitude that was always present but never showcased. Something that makes you look at this whole wide world differently. And something that will shock your mother, but will make her call you a ROCKSTAR. Yea I did it." --Cassie. I kinda like it. I wish she shaved the other side instead of one. Doesn't she remind you of Two-Face?
Well, I like it. Go Cassie, ROCK THAT ISH RIGHT GIRL!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like it, shes working it.

one thing i keep banging on about is the re-growth lol!